“Film in Georgia” is a newly launched film industry incentive program offering a 20% cash rebate on qualified expenses incurred in Georgia. The program aims to support the development of Georgia’s film industry.
An additional rebate of up to 5% is available if a production promotes Georgia as a destination the program’s “Cultural Test.”
Our company was launched 10 years ago producing movie “Seazone”. The scale and success of this movie has brought many interesting projects to our doors, since then Metro Production has been shooting the country’s largest projects and has become a company with giant experience and possibilities. Our goal is to meet agency’s as well as director’s ideas and offer best possible execution. For us there is no risk or challenge, which we cannot take, may it be blocking off two-lane road, blowing up a building, or traveling to accessible location just to shoot sun in a certain position just for several seconds. Our team of producers gained their experience working with us, they were brought up as high-end professionals and the word ‘no’ or ‘can’t’ is just an empty sound having no meaning to them. We truly believe that nothing is impossible. We have shoot in every single part of Georgia and know exactly how to get that right shot that director or creative team are planning. Our team of professionals is oriented on effective management of time and resources to meet the project goals and creative team’s presumption. We can offer full service, starting with pre-production till the very post-production. We have our own shooting equipment: Cameras, Lenses, Lights, cranes and spec. cars. For us scale of the project is not what matters the most, we are looking for interesting projects, for which all of us will put everything we’ve got ! I think, we have said enough. Now we are listening!